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Rain in Oklahoma is always a great thing unless it is camp activity time.  When the thunder rolls the activities don’t.  Plan B is never as good as Plan A.  The children could not go out to the ropes course and climb the rock wall or ride the zip-line, enjoy the waterfront canoes and paddle-boats because of the danger of lightning.  So 200 faces looking at me with the question, “What are we gonna do?” written all over their faces.


My first thought was, we should all go back to bed and get some much needed sleep!  I knew that idea was not going to fly so I began to explain the rainy day plan.  It was met with dissatisfied faces but we had to make the best of it.  I explained to the sponsors the alternative was to go to your  cabin and try to wrangle wild monkeys.  The sponsors became very cooperative.


This is often how I feel when a teacher calls on Wednesday an hour before their class begins.  I try to respond with grace but my emotions are a little too obvious.  I know that Plan B will not be as exciting as the usual terrific things taught in the class.  Substitute teachers on Wednesday night (or any other time) are not easily found.  I often must step in myself and try to make the best of it.


Recently I filled in for a missing teacher and had to find a smile on my way to the classroom.  I walked in and found and a new teacher who was already frazzled.  I was not acquainted with all the kids but I got right to work.  When it was time to dismiss I realized the blessings I had received.  I had a new teacher that watched me model how to lead the class and was much more prepared for the job now.  I also enjoyed meeting new kids and getting to know them better.  That does not happen in the hall as the kids and their parents are leaving the building.  I began a friendship with children that would not have happened otherwise that day.


My blessings far outweighed my challenges that day.  I was on edge but God had a plan and I am glad I was included.  My ministry was better for it.  Your blessings can come out of your challenges if you allow God to use them for His glory.

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