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Speaking/ Training Opportunities

I understand the challenge of finding just the right speaker.  In my prior role as Children’s Ministry Specialist of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma I was responsible for many events.  Events ranged from small to large and even multiple days. 

I quickly realized the success of an event came down to the quality of the speakers.  If they hit a home run, we had a great event.  If they didn’t, well… we had a not-so-great event. 

Like you, I found myself spending hours searching for speakers to make sure we had just the right fit.  My hope is that this page will make it easy for you to get the information you need to make the best decision possible. 


ZOOM Conferences: 

In-person conferences might not fit everyone’s budget, so Mr. Mark’s Classroom is now providing LIVE conferences via ZOOM.  Our secure connection will allow your participants real-time learning and interaction with Mr. Mark for a discounted rate and without all the travel expense.  If you would like information about training via Zoom, please Contact Us! here so we can help. 

Recorded Video Conferences: Coming Soon!!

Video recorded conferences are now released for immediate download for training teachers at a fraction of the cost of in-person training.  Recorded conferences are divided into three, 20-minute segments to allow discussion and application by pausing the video.  This also allows the option of shorter training time if offered three different meetings.  Each conference comes with handouts to be duplicated and discussion questions for a facilitator to use when applying the teaching principles to your specific situation.  Please look in the store under “Video Conferences” to see the conferences we offer.  Recorded conferences are for purchaser/ church use only and restricted from being posted online or on websites without prior permission from Mr. Mark’s Classroom. Check out our available conferences here!

In-Person Conferences

Mr. Mark enjoys meeting teachers and personally helping equip leaders in their churches when possible.  The fun experience he provides at the In-Person Conferences is memorable and inspirational.  Our team will work closely with you to help with all the details and make this an easy experience for you to provide for your teachers. If you want to check Mr. Mark’s availability for your event, or if you have some questions before proceeding further, please Contact Us! so we can begin a conversation.  Or check below to see if one of his upcoming trainings is near you. 


“Thanks for stopping by my speaking page and thanks for considering me.  I am honored to partner with you in this great ministry to children and families.”  

– Mark Jones 


What You Can Expect 

Here’s what you can expect from me and my team: 

  1. Prompt, professional replies to your calls and email messages. 
  1. A personal consultation with me and/or a member of my team prior to the event, so we can better understand how I can best serve you and your audience. 
  1. A professionally prepared presentation filled with practical helps, plenty of humor, and appropriate illustrations focused on achieving the outcomes you want with your audience. 
  1. A quick follow-up communication after the event to make sure I met your expectations and how I can further serve you. 


A Little Bit About Me 

I have been speaking publicly for more than 20 years and have keynoted for multiple events. I have spent my entire career in ministry through the local church, denominational work, and LifeWay Christian Resources as a Childhood Ministry Specialist.  My website, Mr. Mark’s Classroom, is currently ranked third most popular children’s ministry blogs with over 16,000 page views each month. 

I have written and co-authored many books/resources: 

  • A Dad’s Gotta Do What a Dad’s Gotta Do 
  • Kid’s Ministry Time Saver Idea Notebook 
  • Holiday Ideas 365 
  • Bible Skill Boosters 
  • Learning Centers Beyond Compare 
  • 31 Days to Finding Your Kids’ Ministry Mojo 


I have been happily married to my wife, Connie for over thirty-seven years. We have five wonderful children, and one beautiful granddaughter. We live in Oklahoma City where I enjoy movies with my wife and going out for dinner with friends in my free time. 

I speak for churches, conferences, schools, and other non-profits.  Here is my speaking demo reel. 

Begin the conversation, Email Us! 


My Most Requested Conference Topics 

I speak on topics related to leading children’s ministry, child development, teaching preschoolers, teaching children, and parenting.  I will customize my presentation to meet your organization’s specific needs.  My goal is to facilitate the outcome you want to create. 

Below are topics of conferences.  Keep in mind that I can present these as a keynote or a workshop.  Also, I have half-day and full-day workshop versions.  My most requested topics include the following. 

  • Mr. Mark’s One-Day Workshop– This all-day experience trains all childhood education teachers in explaining salvation, creating Bible skills games, exploring service ideas, guiding behavior and becoming an amazing storyteller. Participants have hands-on learning carefully woven with rich content to inspire and equip them for teaching and leading kids’ ministry. 
  • Mr. Mark’s Preschool Prep Day– Focuses on early childhood education with emphasis on setting up a great classroom that teaches, creating smooth transitions, tons of learning center ideas, games for large group experiences and guiding behavior in the classroom. This conference is most requested for weekday teacher training but is not limited to that only. 


General/ Leadership 

Enlisting and Building a Strong Teaching Team 

Does your ministry suffer from a lack of teachers or drop-out teachers during the year?  We will consider strong leadership practices every minister and leader should use and which pitfalls cause leaders to quit because they are fed-up. 

The Three Pillars of Childhood Ministry 

We can spend our time leading and preparing for a different event each week, but do you know if you are fulfilling the greatest needs of Kid’s Ministry?  In this conference we will learn how to explain salvation to children so our teachers feel equipped, develop Bible Skills through fun games and activities, and explore lots of ideas to teach kids how to serve. 

Rescue Games for Children’s Ministry 

Often we need a game to play that will help teach the material we are learning or stretch the teaching time when parents are running late.  This conference will put that list in your back pocket and make you a hero as you share it with other teachers.  Be ready to play! 

Fine-Tuning your Teacher Superpower 

Teachers have superpowers that really connect with kids, but they have not discovered them yet. Learn the amazing things you can do that will lead kids to better participation and relationships with you and others. 



Learning Centers that Make You a Star Teacher 

Preschool teachers are always looking for new ideas to offer in their classroom but look no further.  I have created and used many fun learning center experiences in my own classroom, and I will load you up on great ideas for every center in your classroom.  Other teachers will be jealous. 

Equipping the Preschool Teacher 

The early childhood learning experience is much different than elementary, yet many preschool teachers simply haven’t been told what to do.  The result is often childcare with valuable teaching time being wasted.  In this conference, teachers will learn the practical ways of teaching preschool.  Teaching begins with the greeting, setting up the classroom for success, and discovering how preschoolers learn best.  You will become a successful teacher by following these simple recommendations. 

Hitting a Homerun with Group Time and Storytelling 

A great group time can be everyone’s favorite part of the day.  You will learn the secret to moving kids from learning centers, cleaning the room, and fun story telling techniques that will capture their attention. 

Leading Preschoolers with Teacher Expectations 

It is amazing how such beautiful children can turn into the ugliest faction opposing you at every turn.  Learn how to guide the behavior of preschoolers and deal with their bad choices without losing your cool.  You can have a happy classroom if you apply these simple principles. 

Games for Preschoolers 

Playing group games can be the highlight of the day but teachers need game ideas.  Come get great ideas you can use with your class immediately.  These learning games are great fun to play over and over again.  Take special note of the games with no props, perfect for emergency situations to stretch your time with kids. 

Teaching Sign Language to Preverbal Infants 

Infants develop the ability to sign much sooner than speaking.  When teachers and caregivers practice these signs in their communication, the child will feel more secure and ultimately learn to speak sooner.  Come learn 25 words/ phrases and how to teach them to your infants.  Teaching infants to sign has to be one of the great rewards as a teacher. 



Load Me Up with Bible Skill Games! 

Leaders will have great fun playing these Bible games and take back fresh fun ideas to share with kids and better equip them with Bible skills they will use for a lifetime.  Games will include learning Books of the Bible, Bible verses, and more.  Most games include physical movement suitable for any classroom.  It will become your kids’ favorite part of class.  Be ready to play! 

Equipping the Grade School Teacher 

Teaching children can be challenging unless you know how to organize and set up for success.  This conference will teach you how to create a classroom experience filled with physical learning activities as well as engaging Bible study they will enjoy. 

Teaching Preteens 

This can be a frustrating group mostly because teachers speak to them like teaching younger kids.  Some preteens never talk while others won’t stop talking.  Learn how to engage your preteens on a new level of learning and in a way that makes them feel accepted.  Teach them biblical principles that challenge their way of thinking as they firm up these foundations of faith. 

Become an Amazing Storyteller 

Storytelling can become your favorite part of teaching kids.  Learn how to bring the story to life and capture the attention of kids for longer periods of time.  These ten principles will make all the difference.  Be ready to see storytelling demonstrated in many creative ways. 

Help! My Class Acts Like Wild Monkeys 

Learn how to lead a class with teacher expectations and good communication skills you will gain in this training.  You can keep your cool while guiding behavior with kids.  No matter if you are in the classroom, camp, or a fieldtrip, these principles will still work.  Mr. Mark will share personal examples of success (and some failure) so you can lead your class with great success. 

Explaining Salvation to a Child 

People often ask for the children’s version of the plan of salvation.  There is only one plan of salvation, and you can learn how to explain it kids with ease.  Learn when to wait and how to lead an invitation in your classroom.  You will be equipped and confident to share Jesus with children right away. 


The Seven Desires of Your Child’s Heart 

No form of discipline will ever be effective if the only times you have together is about correction and discipline.  Learn how to connect with your child and see your hearts be knitted together through these simple steps you can take. 

Navigating Through Outbursts and Tantrums 

Ever wonder what makes your kid think the way they do and then act on it?  You will find new ways of dealing with your child’s decisions by understanding how he thinks.  These practical tips will serve you well when dealing with tantrums too. 

Dealing with Entitlements and a Lack of Respect 

Entitlements are a force to be reckoned with in our culture and it fits hand-in-glove with the lack of respect.  You will learn simple strategies to practice and teach your children a much deeper appreciation for things and people. 

The Do’s and Don’ts of Discipline 

Everyone wonders if they are doing this right.  How do I discipline my child, so he minds?  What am I doing wrong?  There is a certain way of guiding behavior that is common for girls and boys alike but most often there are better ways for each gender.  Learn the differences and what ages you must make an adjustment in your approach. 

Setting Boundaries for the Strong-Willed Child 

Your child may become a great leader someday since they have such great ambition and need to test more often than other children.  Learn how to harness that energy for the good without growing weary in the meantime. 



What Others Are Saying 

“Mark did an amazing workshop for our preschool and children’s leaders. It was both informative and entertaining! It was a “hands on” learning experience. Our leaders loved it! We are looking forward to having Mark back with us in the future!” 

Greg Hooper 
Family & Military Pastor 
FBC Cabot , AR 


“The teachers from my church and our WONDERFUL children’s minister learned so much from you. We are all very excited about your ideas! Teachers connect with you because you are so honest and transparent about your highs and lows, just like we all have. What’s more, no one can ever attend your conferences and not see your passion for teaching and your love for Jesus and for children. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!” 

Beth Ingalls 


“We loved how Mark Jones challenged us to set our focus on the 3 Pillars of Children’s Ministry- Know Jesus, Learn Bible Skills, and Show children how to serve.  Every minute of Mr. Mark’s One Day conference is filled with laughter, hands-on activities, inspiration, and many, many helps for making our Children’s Ministry a place where children’s lives will truly be impacted for Christ.  Mr. Mark is like a fountain just bubbling over with ideas for teaching children as we keep our ministry focused on those three pillars.” 

Betty Pickthorn and Eileen Johnson 
First Baptist Church Kettering 
Dayton, Ohio 


“I really enjoyed your presentation. This is my 30th year to teach in public school and needless to say, I’ve heard a lot of speakers. Thanks for making the training today the best I’ve heard at CFBC.” 

Lori Kerr, participant 


“Today’s parents are looking for REAL help in the parenting challenges they face in today’s world.  Mark Jones is the “real deal”!  Our parents are still talking about the insight Mark shared with us from his first-hand knowledge and experience.  Can’t wait to have him back!” 

Linda Myers 
Director Preschool Ministry 
Southern Hills Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, OK 


“Mark’s understanding of children’s ministry is surpassed only by his knowledge of how to help children’s ministry leaders. He’s the teacher’s teacher as Mark brings it in powerful insights that anyone can identify with and adopt into his or her ministry habits. Mark is one the nation’s most respected children’s ministry leaders!” 

Ron Hunter Jr., Ph.D.  
CEO of Randall House & co-founder and director of the D6 Conference 


“Mark has spoken at Houston’s First Baptist on many occasions. He is the type speaker that you want to come back over and over. Mark speaks from many years of valuable  experience with passion and  authenticity. His delivery is interesting and certainly entertaining. Mark has spoken to our leaders as well as the parents. He is qualified to empower and equip both of these groups. I am so thankful that he invest so much time and energy in the lives of families. Mark is making a difference!” 

Melinda L. Scurlock 
Director of Preschool & Kindergarten Ministry 
Houston’s First Baptist Church 

The Next Step 

Thanks again for considering me for your event.  You can take the next step by checking my availability.  Just send us an email and someone on my team will be quick to respond. 

Email Us Now! 


See Mr. Mark at These Upcoming Events










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