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Let me come clean with you.  Since arriving back from East Asia VBS trip this summer, enlisting three zillion Sunday School workers, record-breaking numbers for Promotion Sunday and, (thank goodness) school starting, I have been too tired to even think about Mr. Mark’s Classroom.  I was getting pretty discouraged with the drops in our subscriptions (now just under 4600) and unsure the podcast is worth recording anymore.  I was wondering if all this is really being used.

After lots of prayer (and pouting), I got some sleep and my days and nights corrected from being on the other side of the globe and some real numbers from Google Analytics.  I also heard from a few people who wrote me to say MMC really helps and others spoke to me in person.  God answered my prayers to stay the course.   Now, I’m ready to push forward with renewed strength, focus and trust in our Father.  I thought I should be honest with you and let you know how to pray for me.  Here are the areas I need prayer.  Will you pray?

  • Literary Agent– I have applied with an agent in Nashville and waiting to see if they will accept me.  Barnes and Noble want to carry my storybook, “A Dad’s Gotta Do What a Dad’s Gotta Do”.  The problem is wholesale book distributors will not consider me without a literary agent and I have 9000 books in my guest bedroom.  I need an agent to represent me and counsel me.  Please pray for this.
  • Podcast- I plan to scale back and record only two podcasts each month.  You can hear a new episode every other week.  I really enjoy having Amy Adams as my fun co-host.  Download the iTunes Podcast app for free and search for Mr. Mark’s Classroom to listen through your phone while you drive or exercise.  I enjoy listening to different podcasts every day during my commute.
  • Idea Hoarder– I learned the ideas we have been publishing are not being seen easily so Miss Ida Hoarder said good-bye.  This doesn’t mean the Idea Hoarder is leaving.  Instead, I will post two ideas with pictures so you can decide if you like it before reading.  The posts will be Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.  Only Monday will be emailed and a printable will still be available with all the ideas for preschool and kids to use in your classroom on Sunday.  This does not require a paid subscription.  It’s free!  Please forward this email to your friends and teachers and ask them to subscribe.
  • Other Posts– Wednesdays will feature Holiday Ideas and/ or Mission Activity Ideas (emailed).  Thursday will be a post from Mr. Mark about a subject or experience I am dealing with or learning from (emailed).  Saturday & Sunday will not be emailed but will post Family Devotionals every other week and great ideas from Miss Joanne and other contributors.  I always welcome your ideas and so does our community!
  • Pinterest– I learned that most of my social media traffic comes from here.  You can see all my boards and pins- Mr. Mark’s Classroom (also on Facebook) and “Like Me”. My Twitter handle is @mrmarksclass if you follow tweets.

I have such appreciation for you and the great work you are doing with kids in cities all over our nation and some around the world.  Tell me how we can improve Mr. Mark’s Classroom to better fit your needs.  Thanks for listening, supporting and encouraging me.  God has called us to greatness as we champion Children’s Ministry together!

Thank you for praying.  I Love You!

Your Friend,

Mark Jones

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