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Large Carnation or Peony:


Flowers– Create large scale flowers by spray painting a new toilet plunger green.


1) Using six full sheets of tissue paper (your color preference), fan fold the paper in half inch widths or slightly larger.


2) Find the middle of the strip by folding it in half.


3) Cut the corners of the fold so when it opens there is a “V” removed on both sides of the fold.


4) Tie some thin ribbon or string around the middle tightly.


5) Open the fan folds carefully expressing the petals of the flower.  It should get very full.  If you would like the petal edges to be ruffled, simple trim the end of the fan-folded strip by rounding the corners off or cut a rounded “M” shape.


6) Tie the ribbon to the painted plunger.

Large Carnation or Peony


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