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It’s time for summer and that means you will be taking lots of pictures of kids.  Parents love to see the pictures!  Last year, I had moms texting me for pictures and even offering baked goods as a reward.  I gladly clicked some for her.  Parents are thrilled to get pics texted to them.

Don’t forget, the kids love to see their pics from an event or from their class.  Take time to print some pics and display them for the kids.  Here is a great idea from my friends at FBC Muskogee, OK (photo).  It looks like the old string art we did as a kid.

Ask a volunteer to create the frame for you.  Line the inside of the wood frame with eye screws (don’t worry about exact spacing). Lace the jute through the screws and crisscrossing the rope from side to side very random.  Try to keep it tight so the pictures to not sag.  Clip photos to the rope with clothespins or clips for display.

Miss Debbie used her display to show pictures from last year’s camp and provided registration info.  Great for promoting and later for reflecting on the great experience they had together.  Miss Andrea at FBC Weatherford, OK attached silver metal (used on barns) to the walls and added colorful magnets for displaying photos.  So smart!  This is much easier than using frames.  Give it a try and comment to this post if you think of other thoughts to make this frame idea even more awesome.

Picture Taking Truths:

  • Closer is better
  • Permission to use pictures of kids
  • Take lots of pictures but be prepared to delete lots or it will eat your computer storage space.
  • Get cell numbers of parents so you can text pictures at night when you can’t sleep on that camp bunk
  • Take pics with kids because they love you (selfies are fun)
  • Invest in a Selfie Stick- $25 from your ministry budget (I bought one- Of Course)
  • Create slideshows on Power Point to show at church before the service or during the offering so the church gets to see what your Kid’s Ministry is doing
  • Add pictures to your website page since guests want to see what your program is about

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