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Here’s a great idea for adding starfish to your decorations.  These starfish would also make great appreciation gifts to “Star Teachers” or “Star Kids” in your class.  One can of spray foam insulation will make an ocean full of starfish.


  • Waxed paper
  • Permanent Marker
  • Spray Foam Insulation
  • Dry sand

Step 1


  • Lay a sheet of waxed paper on a flat surface
  • Create a pattern- Using a permanent marker, draw a capital “Y” then turn the waxed paper around so the “Y” is upside down. Next, draw a line across the middle.

Step 2


  • Bend the nozzle to begin squirting the foam across each line of the pattern. Squirt a second line if you desire the starfish to be thicker. *Remember the foam will expand.

Step 3


  • Allow the foam to dry completely before removing the starfish from the waxed paper

Step 4


  • Sprinkle the wet foam with dry sand. Work quickly since the foam begins drying fast.
  • Option- Allow the foam to dry completely then brush glue on the foam. Add dry sand on top to coat the starfish.

For more ideas go to

Unwrapped Conference August 5-

Kid’s Min 411 (Free Conference) April 11-

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