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The goal for using Bible verses with preschoolers is to help them begin to apply the Bible to life.  Application and not memorization may be your primary goal, but an older preschooler who hears the same Bible verse several times may be able to remember that verse.  Here are some skills you can teach your child as you help him/her begin to love the Bible and learn to live by the truths of its words.

Age Group Bible Skills
Babies – 2s








  • Knows the Bible is a book.
  • Hears names of some of the books of the Bible.
  • Can touch, hold, and turn the pages of the Bible.
  • Can help open the Bible to a marked verse or story.
  • Can say some Bible words and repeat short phrases.
  • Can listen to brief Bible stories.
  • Associates God and Jesus with the Bible.
  • Hears the name of God and Jesus.
  • Can hear Bible verses at home.
  • Can hear Bible verses that relate to his everyday activities.
  • Hears that God told people to write the Bible.
3s – Pre-K








  • Knows that the Bible is a book that people use at church and home.
  • Hears the names of many of the books of the Bible.
  • Can touch, hold, and turn the pages of the Bible.
  • Can help open the Bible to a marked verse or story.
  • Can repeat and remember simple Bible verses.
  • Can recall some Bible story people and Bible facts.
  • Knows that the Bible is a book that tells about God and Jesus.
  • Knows the name of God, Jesus, and some Bible people.
  • Can participate in family devotional times.
  • Can begin to apply Bible verses to his/her life.
  • Hears that people wrote God’s words in the Bible.









  • Knows that the two main parts of the Bible are the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  • Begins to pronounce the names of the books of the Bible.
  • Can touch, hold and turn the pages of the Bible.
  • Can begin to understand that a Bible reference includes a book, chapter, and verse.
  • Can repeat and remember simple Bible verses.
  • Remembers and can retell a familiar Bible story.
  • Knows the Bible tells about God and Jesus.
  • Remembers the names of familiar Bible people.
  • Can use the Bible at home.
  • Can apply Bible verses to his/her life.
  • Knows that people wrote God’s words in the Bible.
  • Knows each main part of the Bible is divided into smaller parts called books.
Used by permission from LifeWay Christian Resources.
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