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Here is a terrific family tradition submitted to me last year, but now I can’t find the writer’s name.  Please let me know if this was you so I can add your name.  Such a fun and unique experience that I’m sure your children looked forward to each evening. I dare our readers to try it and post a pic on Facebook (tag me). Thanks for sharing!! 

Mr. Mark  


I was just reading an article about teaching children the true meaning of Christmas and I really like this idea…”Kids are hands-on. The more they can touch, see, feel, and experience the story of the gospel, the more it becomes real to them and the more they connect it to Christmas. 

Our family eats dinner by candlelight for the month leading up to Christmas. On December 1, we light a single candle. The next night, we light two candles. We add another candle each night, even if all we’re eating is grilled-cheese sandwiches. Honestly, sometimes I think the more humble the dinner, the more crumbs on the table, the more spills and human-ness of our family interaction, the more the candles highlight the beautiful mess that Jesus came to make whole. 

By the morning of December 25, my table looks like it might go up in flames with all those candles! However, this is a strong, tangible reminder of how the world has gone from darkness to light thanks to the arrival of Jesus. Even the youngest of minds can comprehend the difference between dark and light. Plus, it’s magic: eating by candlelight gives the tingles, the coziness, that elusive moment of wonder we so often seek at holidays. As we eat, my husband reads us a devotion or story that reveals our need for Jesus.” 

Writer- Unknown 

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