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Establishing & Building Relationships

  • Have a genuine desire to reach more kids
  • Be consistent in your attendance.
  • Be intentional in your preparation.
  • Listen to each child.
  • Use email and texting to communicate with families.
  • Pay close attention during greeting & departure times.
  • Read the child’s body language.
  • Send cards for birthdays and absentee.
  • Serve as sponsor for camps, retreats and events.
  • Teach VBS with children promoting into your class.
  • Visit in times of illness or crisis.
  • Celebrate the uniqueness of each child.
  • Ask questions like; what is something you did this week?
  • Prepare child information forms and journal observations.
  • Develop friendships with parents in order to make visits, calls and other contacts.
  • Use an “Open Enrollment” for your class.
  • Ask, “How can I pray for you?”
  • Divide outreach responsibilities among teachers.
  • Seek to discover more prospects.
  • Enlist prayer partners or team.







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