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Okay- We promoted Sunday School three weeks ago and Wednesday night kick-off two weeks ago and I still need workers.  I’m about to pull out my last three hairs!  You would think in a church the size of many Oklahoma towns, I would have plenty of workers.  Wrong.

I need to replace at least five workers that have already quit.  Seriously!  (That’s what I wanted to say when they called me.)  The week before promotion Sunday, a new worker wanted to drop by and see the classroom where she will be teaching.  I agreed and we met.  I walked her to the room and introduced her to the workers celebrating their last Sunday.  They were so kind to show her around so I left them to chat.  I was shocked when I got a call on Monday that the new worker was quitting before she ever started.  That was followed by another call, her co-teacher, who also quit before ever starting.

I have no idea what was said when I left the room but my frustration reached “Def-Con 4”.  I’m trying to fill the last remaining places and starting over with a few new places because someone pulled out yesterday and another one quit today.  Have I got cooties or something?  Why are these teachers quitting?  Why can’t people enjoy teaching kids as much as I do?  Enlisting workers is driving me CRAZY!

I desperately want to love my workers, train my workers, appreciate my workers and brag about my workers but they need to stay on board first.  Although this does remind me, there are a couple hundred workers in place and serving faithfully.  So if you’re like me, let’s stop pouting and whining.  Don’t you dare whine to the pastor!  He doesn’t want to hear all that.  If he asks, be honest, positive and confident.  No drama!  You give us a bad reputation.  Now is the time to let our faith show.  I truly believe God cares for His church and will fit it together perfectly.  So make this promise with me.

I promise to:

  • Not complain about the work God has called me to do.
  • Pray to the Lord of the harvest for laborers needed.
  • Schedule substitute teachers to serve for a week or month then leave them alone.
  • Encourage and affirm present teachers doing a great job.
  • Never attack, choke or confront someone about teaching while they attend church.
  • Continue to make calls, texts and emails to invite workers to join our team.
  • Write articles and reports in church publications about our vision and successes.
  • Recognize other places to serve in the kid’s ministry besides teaching.
  • Have realistic expectations, healthy training and positive feedback for teachers.
  • Thank God for every teacher He provides because they are a gift from Him.

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