og:image Microwave Puffy Paint! - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • Microwave 
  • Self-rising flour* 
  • Salt 
  • Food coloring 
  • Water 
  • Cardboard 
  • Paint brushes or cotton swabs 
  • Small containers 
  1. For each color:  Mix 1 tablespoon of self-rising flour with 1 tablespoon salt and a few drops of food coloring.  Add water ¼ teaspoon at a time until you achieve a yogurt-type consistency. 
  1. Use paint brushes or cotton swabs to paint a picture. 
  1. Place the picture in the microwave for 30 seconds. 

*Make your own self-rising flour by adding 1½ teaspoons baking powder and ¼ teaspoon salt to a cup of all-purpose flour. 

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