Parent/Child Dedication Resources

Here are some terrific resources for providing a meaningful and effective Parent/ Child Dedication experience.  This is a milestone moment in the life of families that should not only be celebrated but God honoring.  Here is a chance for you to have the attention of parents to speak truth and vision for your ministry that you might never get again.  Tell them how important the child’s participation in childhood ministry will play in the spiritual journey of their child.  Let the parents know how you want to resource them and allow them to serve others through the ministry.  Many parents would serve if they were just asked.  Here is your chance to include them.

I have posted some letters, certificates and parent meeting/class I use with my parents when we have these special days (four times a year).  All these items were not created by me but a rather a group of children’s ministers and I invite you to share the items you have created so others can be blessed to use them too. 

Parent/Child Dedication Class Outline

Parent Child Class Handout

Baby Dedication Letter

Baby Dedication Invitation

Baby Dedication Devotional

Baby Dedication Certificate

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