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Boys and girls enjoy school supplies…teachers, too. Since back-to-school time is important, it is good to talk about the end of summer and the beginning of another school year.

This year I decided to plan an activity using school supplies. This is not an activity that is limited to the start of school. The supplies can be used during activities on Sunday mornings before and after school starts.

School Supplies for Dramatic Play Activities:

  • school supply list*, pencil (*current kindergarten school supply list)school
  • crayons, washable markers
  • erasers, pencils, pencil box
  • pocket folders, spiral notebook
  • glue, scissors
  • tissue boxes, hand sanitizer or wet wipes


1. Locate a list of school supplies at local stores or on school Web site. Print copy of school supply list.

2. Gather school supplies; place items in a box lid with backpack nearby. (See picture.)

Teaching Tips:

  • Guide children to use the list of school supplies  to find the items. They can mark off the items as they are located.
  • Encourage boys and girls to take turns packing items in the backpack.
  • Enjoy talking to children about their school supplies at home.
  • Open the Bible to Genesis 28:15 and say: “We read in the Bible that God is with you everywhere you go. God will be with you at school.”

Bonus Ideas:

  1. Ask a child to reach in a backpack, feel something, and guess what it before removing the item. Continue game with other children.
  2. Place items on a tray; cover with a towel. Reach under the towel to remove and keep one item hidden. Uncover items on tray and ask, “What’s missing?” Challenge children by removing more than one item.
  3. Place art items and paper on table for children to choose what to use.

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