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These Two Weeks– Day 5

These Two Weeks– Day 5

Day 5- Read Matthew 2:9-11 Color and cut out the three wise men then add them to the scene. (Extra idea- The magi brought gifts to Jesus. Your family can give the gift of caroling neighbors and deliver cookies.) Printable Version boxing day gucci mcm bag hollister...
These Two Weeks– Day 4

These Two Weeks– Day 4

Day 4– Read Luke 2:8-20 Discuss: Why do you think the shepherds were scared? Would you be scared? How do you think they felt when they saw baby Jesus? Color and cut out the Shepherd, Sheep and Angel then add them to the nativity scene. (Extra idea- Bake Cookies for...
These Two Weeks– Day 3

These Two Weeks– Day 3

Family Devotion for Day Three Read about baby Jesus- Luke 2:6-7 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available...
These Two Weeks– Day 2

These Two Weeks– Day 2

Day 2– Read Luke 2:7b- there was no guest room available for them. Discuss: When Mary and Joseph ar-rived in Bethlehem, the city was full of families who also traveled to be count-ed. The only place they had to stay was in the stable. Would you sleep in a stable? What...
These Two Weeks– Day 1

These Two Weeks– Day 1

This is a family worship guide for you and your children during Christmas vacation. Use this guide and the printable re-sources to gather the family and read the Bible together. Option: Prepare each day in separate envelopes and seal. Mark the envelopes by days and...

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