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The Bible in The Bible

The Bible in The Bible

          Object: introduce kids to tools that can be used to study the Bible. Use the following cross references to find where else in the Bible the Ten Commandments are mentioned. Provide Bible tools like a concordance, a dictionary, etc....
People Montage Art

People Montage Art

          Collect and prepare the following: Magazine pictures of different ethnic people groups involved in a variety of activities Glue Scissors Construction paper Depending upon the age of the children either pre-cut pictures or allow...
Carved In Stone

Carved In Stone

          Object: Get your partner to guess which of the Ten Commandments you are trying to draw in your clay. Provide balls of play clay to partners. One partner will draw (using the end of a paintbrush or something else) and one will guess....
Bible Times Vest

Bible Times Vest

          Paper grocery bags, scissors, markers, crayons, odds and ends such as rickrack, pompoms, sequins, yarn, stickers, patches, and glue. Prior to the session, cut a paper bag in the shape of a vest for each child. Cut a circle in the...
Writing on Playdough

Writing on Playdough

          Provide an assortment of your favorite play dough, either homemade or purchased, craft sticks, play dough rollers, and construction paper with today’s Bible verse printed. Encourage children to roll out the play dough and invite them...

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