og:image Creating a Learning Environment for Babies, Ones, and Twos - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Enlist teachers who are committed to teaching Bible truths, willing to receive training, and understand that younger preschoolers learn through play and first-hand experiences.  Focus on providing an environment rich in sensory activities.  Because preschoolers handle and “mouth” most items, disinfect toys and equipment with a diluted bleach solution (one-fourth cup bleach to one gallon of water), mixed fresh for each session.  Then, provide opportunities for:


Seeing . . .

  • Clean, uncluttered floor space for playing, crawling, moving, exploring.
  • Age-appropriate toys, books, homeliving items, blocks, art materials (twos), puzzles, and nature items.
  • A Bible and Bible-related pictures.


Hearing . . .

  • Soft music from preschool LifeWay Sunday School music CDs.
  • Variety of sounds from toys, bells, chimes, rhythmic claps, taps, and so forth.
  • Calm, happy voices of teachers repeating simple words and
  • phrases as they talk and sing to preschoolers.
  • Age-appropriate Bible phrases, story conversation, and prayer thoughts.


Smelling . . .

  • Pleasant smells from freshly sanitized teaching materials, equipment, bed linens, and room surfaces.
  • Aromas from nature items, such as an orange or empty spice container.  (Supervise carefully.)
  • Absence of teachers’ use of strong perfumes or lotions.


Touching . . .

  • Variety of textures, including rough, smooth, slick, hard, or soft.
  • Safe, age-appropriate toys to explore, open, close, stack, fill, dump, push, pull, carry, and sort.
  • Teachers who are gentle as they hold, cuddle, rock, and diaper children.


Tasting . . .

  • Clean, safe teethers and toys for mouthing.
  • Parent-provided bottles and foods for babies and ones.
  • Simple snacks of crackers, cereals, water, or juice.
  • Special food experiences such as bananas or applesauce.

(Don’t forget:  Always check for allergies.)


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