- Bread
- Heart shaped cookie cutter
- Eggs
- Paintbrush
- Straw
- Bird seed
- Yarn
- Wax paper
Prepare: Tear off a piece of wax paper for each student. Have enough bread for each student to have one piece.
- Place one piece of bread on the wax paper.
- Using the cookie cutter, cut the bread into a heart shape, and throw away the extra bread.
- Using a straw, poke a hole in the bread.
- Beat the egg in a small bowl and with a paintbrush, paint the egg onto the heart shaped bread.
- Place bird seed on top of the egg while it is still wet.
- Let the bread sit and dry out.
- Tie a piece of yarn through the hole in the bread.
- Take it outside and hang on a tree branch for our feathered friends to enjoy during the cold weather when food is harder for them to find.