Easel painting is one of the favorite art activities for preschool boys and girls. Consider making an easel from a pizza box to provide easel painting experiences.
Curious preschoolers will notice the new easel when you set it on a table in the room. They will also recognize the familiar box.
Supplies for Pizza Box Easel:
- clean pizza box (Ask for an empty pizza box at your favorite pizza place.)
- paper such as manila paper, construction paper, or newsprint
- clothespins
1. Open the pizza box and fold the lid back to create a triangle-shaped easel.
2. Clip paper on the easel. (See photo.)
3. Provide tempera paint and brushes. Washable markers or watercolors can also be used on the easel.
4. Place a pencil nearby for printing names on the paintings.
Teaching Tips:
- Listen to a child’s comments about the pizza box easel. If he mentions pizza, talk to him about his favorite pizza place. Comment about doing things with his family and friends.
- Offer guidelines for using the paint and other art supplies.
- As a child paints, mention a color he uses Ask him to name something God made that is the same color. Say, ‘The Bible says God is good to us.”
- Encourage a child to put his name on his painting.
- When you help a child remove his painting from the easel, show him where to put it to dry.