og:image Podcast: Decorating for VBS 2014 - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Episode 42 Show Notes

What’s New:

Win a VBS Jump Start Kit & more by asking a question or leaving decoration comment below these show notes and/ or sharing my post on Facebook– Mr. Mark’s Classroom page.  Drawing in one week.

VBS Decoration– Get this Industrial look in your classroom with fabric Trusses:$16.99 for three at www.mrmarksclassroom.com/store

Decorating Made Easy- www.lifeway.com/vbs


What’s True:

I wasn’t sure there could ever be a better theme than an Amusement Park coupled with biblical content about facing fear and trusting God.  That was a homerun!  But then the call came last April.  I was invited to write the Decorating Made Easy Book for Agency D3.  When the theme was described to me, I got so excited for all the boys in my children’s ministry.  Girls like everything but boys are picky.  Let me say, this theme will be a hit for both.  Here are five tips and all the Power point/ video links to the decorations I made.

1. The theme has a much different appearance than before.  The locations are all “inside” headquarters and I have ideas for making it look amazing and I think they will surprise you.

2. Boxes, silver spray paint, mailing tubes and aluminum foil are your friends! I’ll show you simple assembly steps to create the props.

3. Go and buy the clear shower curtain with the world map from Bed Bath and Beyond or www.target.com for the map room.

4. On the videos, I will share what mistakes and time wasting goofs so you can avoid wasting your time.

5. Attend local training events.  You will be inspired!  Starting now is the best choice.  Hearing others’ ideas and taking pictures will make the work this spring so much easier.


What to Do: 

Take a look at these links to find all the photos and video for creating the decorations I made.

VBS Decorations Power Point Presentations

VBS Decorations Videos


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