og:image Prayer Reminder Bottle - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Written by Laurie Fryklund

Picture1What you will need:

  • Clean & empty 20 oz. Plastic bottles, one per child, label removed
  • White, plastic plates, one per child
  • 1″ x 2″ oval punch
  • White or silver glitter
  • White pony beads in interesting shapes (optional)
  • Clear corn syrup
  • Water
  • Duct tape
  • Permanent marker, one per child
  • Scissors
  • Measuring spoons


Put it together:

  1. For each child, cut six 1″x2″ ovals from the plastic plates.
  2. Write one of the following words on each oval:
    • Missionaries
    • Family
    • Neighbors
    • Friends
    • Church
  3. Put the ovals in the bottle. Add 1 teaspoon of glitter to the bottle and the pony beads (if using).
  4. Fill the bottle one-half full of clear corn syrup. Fill the bottle the rest of the way to the top with water.
  5. Tighten the lid on the bottle and secure with duct tape.
  6. Each day the kids will shake the bottle and whatever item pops up first is what they will pray for that day.
  7. This could be a good companion activity if you are studying missionaries in one of the northern countries.

(Adapted from Children In Action)

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