Here’s one last reminder to purchase next year’s VBS decorations while you can still use this year’s budget, unless you don’t have any to spend (I totally understand that!). I miss having a theme-related place to take photos with kids and teachers. That’s why I thought it would be such great fun to have this large jeep to set up and let the cameras do the rest.
This large jeep measures eight feet across and roughly six feet high, which is perfect for packing in friends to take a picture. Pictures like these are treasures to children. The jeep comes in two panels about four feet wide which works great on construction foam panels from Lowe’s or sheets of double-wall cardboard. The “Large Cats” panel is eight feet long and includes a lion and cub, as well as a tiger and cub which are each approximately four feet long and near life-size. The panels are filled with extra bushes and rocks to add to the photo–stop scene.
Option – Create a small license plate to add to the front of the Jeep with your church’s name and “VBS 2019.” Provide stools for the kids to sit upon and any props to wear like binoculars, pith helmets, or flags with your church’s name. Be sure to cut out the steering wheel and allow kids to hold it in the driver’s seat like they are driving the Jeep! So fun!!!
Bonus Idea – Set up the Jeep and Large Cats during your teacher enlistment month and encourage teachers and kids to get a photo taken. Create a wall with the VBS theme and 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper with animal print border with every age/grade teachers are needed. Post the teacher’s pictures on a wall for church members to see who is teaching and where, so they can pray and also join the team. Give kids two copies of their pictures and provide supplies for them to create an invitation with a picture and the words, “Jump in and go with me to VBS—Dates—location—registration link.” Then encourage them to invite a friend.
I think you and all your church will enjoy this. Click the link below and place your order today!
Your Friend,
Mr. Mark