Boys and girls enjoy painting activities. When you offer a new activity such as squeeze bottle painting, you can watch children experience creative art. Squeeze bottle painting can be used at Christmas time with colors such as green and red in the bottles.
Supplies for Squeeze Bottle Painting
- flour, salt, and water
- liquid tempera
- plastic squeeze bottles
- heavy cardboard
Mix equal parts of flour, salt, and water in a bowl. Addliquid tempera paint for desired color. Pour mixture into plastic squeeze bottles. (Use tape to secure lids on bottles if needed.)
Instructions for Squeeze Bottle Painting:
- Guide a child to use a squeeze bottle to make a design on the heavy cardboard.
- Explain that the paint will harden in puffy shapes if left to dry.
- Heavy foam plates can be used for this activity. The plates are easy for a child to use and to take home. Remind the child to carry his plate carefully andfind a place to set it until the paint dries.
Teaching Tips:
- Listen as a child describes his painting. Comment about the colors he chose. Say “The Bible says, God gives us things to enjoy. I am glad you enjoy painting at church.”
- Talk about things to enjoy during the seasons. Mention God’s plans for each season.