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It’s all about sharpening your skills, vision and leadership in Childhood Ministry

Super Sessions, Break-Outs and Take-Outs

March 27 & 28, 2015

Oklahoma City, Quail Springs Baptist Church

Register by March 1, 2015 for early bird bonuses.


March 27

8:00        Registration opens

Early bird Bonus Pre-Conferences

9:00        Pre-Con 1

10:15     Pre-Con 2

11:15     Lunch

12:30     Super Session 1- Dr. Hance Dilbeck “Sharpen Your Tools”

2:00        Breakout 1

3:15        Breakout 2

4:30        Super Session 2- Mark Jones “Sharpen Your Connections”

5:30        Dismiss

March 28

8:00        Breakout 3

9:15        Breakout 4

10:30     Super Session 3- Jeffery Reed “Sharpen Your Relationships”

11:30     Lunch & Exhibit Hall

12:30     Breakout 5

1:45        Breakout 6

3:00        Super Session 4- Mark Jones “Sharpen Your Success”

3:45        Dismiss

Breakout Track Choices: Mix and Match between these three tracks to best fit your ministry needs. All conference titles, descriptions and speakers are available on the website.

  • Ministry Leadership
  • Children’s Teachers
  • Preschool Teachers

Cost: $99.00 (Church groups with four or more- $69 each)

  • Pre-Cons: Free for early bird registration before March 1, 2015. ($15.00 after March 1)
  • Idea Resource Notebook: Every participant will receive a notebook filled with ideas from Mr. Mark’s Classroom
  • Break-Outs: Choose from 18 different Break-Out Conferences. Each conference will offer four practical resource handouts.  
  • Take-Outs: Participants can collect four handouts from all the conferences offered to add to your Idea Resource Notebook.

Our motto should be, “Home of the Big Fat Resource Notebook”

Register at www.mrmarksclassroom.com/sharpen

Sharpen Conference Detailed Flier

Super Session and Breakout Titles and Descriptions

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