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1. So God created man in his own image, He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.  Genesis 1:27


Mirror-Image Verse: Challenge the kids to use a mirror to read the verse.



2. You are to keep My commands and do them; I am Yahweh.  Leviticus 22:31


Verse Wrap:  Print the verse in two columns, left and right, alternating sides with every other word and in random order.  (All even numbered words to the left, odd to the right.   Use a hole punch to create notches on the edges of the card next to each word.  Attach a cord near the first word of the verse.  Challenge the drillers to connect the words in order by wrapping the cord, word to word, around the card.



3. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.  Deuteronomy 6:5


Block Sleeve:  Use Block Buster blocks and add a sleeve around each block made from scrape laminating film.  Print the words on separate strips of paper and insert each word into a sleeve.  Stack the blocks (words) in order.


4. Give thanks to Yahweh, call on His name; proclaim His deeds among the peoples.  1 Chronicles 16:8


Falling Leaves:  Make a large tree on brown craft paper.  Write each word (or phrase) of the verse on a leaf shape.  Attach the tree to the wall and add the leaves.  See if the drillers can continue to repeat the verse as the tree begins to slowly lose its leaves.



5. Listen to this, Job.   Stop and consider God’s wonders.  Job 37:14


Put a Sock in it:  Print the verse on separate socks.  Challenge the drillers to put a sock on their arm and arrange themselves in order.  (For a fun twist, wet and freeze the socks first.)


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