og:image Building a Positive Self Image - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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What are some ways you can help a child build a positive self image? 

  • Say what you admire about the child
  • Speak kindness
  • Trust the child


Starts at the greeting

  • What is the child’s body language.
  • What questions could you ask a preschooler to connect to their needs?
  • What questions could you ask to an older child to find out their needs?


Encourage a positive self esteem

  • Teach them they are created by God.  They are special to Him.

(Psalm 139:13-17)

  • Give them unconditional love (Matt. 19:14)
  • Show them respect (1 Peter 2:17)
  • Be a good listener.
  • Provide limits that are reasonable and understanding (they will test)
  • Accomplishments should be celebrated
  • Develop a sense of community (“Because that’s the kind of people we are”)
  • Respect for others is valued
  • Encourage children through your conversation rather than judging
  • Build trust in your relationships with the child
  • Give them opportunities to succeed.
  • Help them be responsible.
  • Provide opportunities to make choices.
  • Develop problem-solving activities and stories.
  • Know the needs of each child. (ask parents)
  • Encourage the child to take risks in activities.


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