og:image Care4Kids - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Care4Kids is an approach used by workers in Sunday School to help girls and boys learn and experience the love and care of God. Meeting the needs of girls and boys through prayer and acts of ministry is one of the ways Sunday School workers model spiritual growth and demonstrate God’s love to children. Caring in this sense is more than just a feeling of concern. Caring is one of the ways Children’s Sunday School workers apply God’s Word in their lives. Care4Kids includes reaching, fellowshipping, praying, and performing acts of ministry.

Ways Workers Show Care

  • Mrs. Anderson discovered that Shelley’s baby brother was ill. Shelley’s parents had to spend a lot of time at the hospital. In addition to praying for Shelley and her family, Mrs. Anderson took some food to the house and then offered to have Shelley come to her home after school for several days.
  • Several of the kindergarteners on Margie Clarkson’s Care4Kids list went to the same school where she teaches music. Several times she took her lunch hour and ate with them in the cafeteria.
  • When Josh suddenly stopped coming to Sunday School, Mrs. Brown stopped by his house to see him. Josh told her that he could not come back because his father had left the family, and his mother had to work on Sunday mornings. Mrs. Brown offered to pick Jost and his sister up each Sunday and take them to church. Josh’s mother was grateful and the children were happy to be back at church. Children learn about God from loving Christian adults. As children’s workers realize the impact the love and care of an afult Christian can have on the lide of a child, they will be sensitive to the opportunities to show that love. Teaching is only part of what God asks adults to do for children. Workers can pray regularly for each child on their lists. They must be sensitive to the needs in the lives of the children and their families and minister appropriately. They will regularly contact the children using methods outlined in Contact 1-2-3. (Presented on Thursday.) They will be excited when a child is excited, happy when a child is happy, concerned when a child is upset.

Getting Ready to Care

Every enrolled child and prospect in each department or class is assigned to a worker. The number of girls and boys is divided by the number of workers. In a large department with 24 children and 5 workers, each worker would be responsible for 4 or 5 children. Workers are responsible for determining the ministry needs of each child and caring for those needs as appropriate. The better a worker knows a child and her family, the better able the worker is to teach the child and minister to her needs.

What are some ideas you may try this year?

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