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Mom’s Clipboard

Mom’s Clipboard

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart . . .” Deuteronomy 6:5 You will need: Clipboard (any size) Scrapbook paper Stickers Glue Modge Podge to seal your design Sponge paint brushes Pencil holder (optional) Using the supplies, customize the clipboard to fit the...
Bee Hive

Bee Hive

Be Kind to One Another You will need: Black chenille stems Permanent markers Yellow plastic eggs Tape Cardstock or cardboard tubes Google eyes (optional) If using cardboard tubes, cut in 1 ½” segments. Attach the sides together to create a beehive or flower. Cardstock...
Lady Bug Rock

Lady Bug Rock

Stuff happens in our family all the time.  I love having children at home.  This way I am entertained from kids at work and at home.  Never gets old!  Aren’t you glad you are in the kid business?   Lady Bug Rock “Jesus said, ‘Love one...
Colorful Worms

Colorful Worms

Thank you God for worms! Items needed: Variety of pony beads, chenille stems (striped ones work really well!), google eyes The worms can be short or long, one color or many colors! Curl one end of the chenille stem up to create a head and add the beads. Curl the end...
Lightning Bugs and Dragonflies

Lightning Bugs and Dragonflies

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 Using pony beads and chenille stems, create a variety of colorful insects that will go along perfectly with “Journey Off the Map” this summer. Shimmering chenille stems also work well for the wings....
Thinking of You

Thinking of You

Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonian 5:11 Using treat bags, cardstock and snack items, you can lift the spirits of teachers during stressful times of the year. Have kids fill the treat bags and utilize...

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