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          Construction paper(brown plus others), poster board, brown yarn, glue, scissors, markers, toothpicks, optional—wiggly eyes Cut out a teddy bear shape, glue it to some poster board and cut that out as well. Clip the yarn into 1/2 to...


          Fun foam in red and black, markers, scissors, suckers, hole punch Draw lips on the red foam, a mustache on the black foam (look up templates online if you’re not comfortable drawing them yourself).  Cut out shapes.  Draw the center...

Parachute Run

Items needed: Parachute or a bed sheet Lay parachute on the floor and ask children to sit around the edges. Assign numbers so there are at least two children for each number (ex: if you have nine children in class, you could number them 1,2,3, three times, or 1,2,3,4...
Following Directions

Following Directions

Items needed:  A “Bop It”  from the toy dept. in most big stores This is a great opening activity for any lesson dealing with obedience to God or reaction to God’s commands. The children form a circle.  The person with the toy must listen to the voice prompt from the...
Make a Torch!

Make a Torch!

Items needed:  A small flashlight for each child (from Dollar Store birthday supplies or ordered online), tape, shiny mylar gift shreds, scissors, (optional:  beads and string to further decorate) Tape mylar shreds around the top of the flashlight.  Trim as needed. ...

Find the lost sheep and the lost coin

Items needed:  100 thick index cards, a small picture of a sheep, and a small picture of a coin taped to the back of two cards.  Be sure that no one can see the pictures through the index cards and cheat! Turn all of the cards face down in ten rows of ten.   Ask the...

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