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Sheep Reminder Rocks

Sheep Reminder Rocks

Items needed:  light colored smooth rocks an inch or more in diameter (from gardening department or craft store), permanent markers Make a sample, like the picture, with silly eyes, ears, muzzle, four legs, and curly hair.  Give each child a rock and markers.  Tell...
Lost Coin Bible Verse Scramble

Lost Coin Bible Verse Scramble

Write the Bible verse on paper “coins.”  Before class, hide one coin (with an important word of the Bible verse) in the room.  Ask the class to attempt to put the coins in order to make the Bible verse.  Let them discover that a coin is missing.    Ask everyone to...
Cute As A Button

Cute As A Button

Cardboard, construction paper, computer and printer to print the greeting, buttons, glue, thin bendy wire, ribbon, small nail for making hole Cut out heart shapes from cardboard and construction paper. Print the greeting from computer and cut the paper into a heart...
Snowman Garland

Snowman Garland

Paper plates, construction paper and/or scrapbook paper, accessories templates (glasses, ties, etc.), glue, glue sticks, glue dots or tape, markers or crayons, yarn, scissors Each child will need 3 or more paper plates, yarn, and a variety of paper.  Use paper or...
Snowman Nameplate

Snowman Nameplate

White circles (paper, poster board or wood), construction paper, poster board or wood to make the snowman’s hat, markers or paint, school glue, craft glue, and/or hot glue Give each child enough circles to display their name, plus two for the top and bottom.  Glue...
Clothing Collage

Clothing Collage

Provide scissors, magazines (edited for inappropriate pages), glue and construction paper.  Allow kids to find and cut out at least six outfits they like and would like to wear.  As kids search and cut, talk about how the son in the Parable of the Lost Son was given...

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