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So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, guh-zoonhite!!

Summer Got You Down?

Ever fell like your brain is fried? Well, Id’a here is terribly close to be’n overdone if ya know what I mean. Summer, and all that it brings, is on it’s way out. It was super duper terrific, but as I’m sure you can tell, Id’a girl has lost some of her marbles along...
Jumpin’ Jambalaya!

Jumpin’ Jambalaya!

Bet ya’ll think I’m crazy…LOL…well I am!! I been diggin’ up some T-rific stuff for everbody!  First of all ya’ll, the preschool kiddos are gonna go gonzo over a shaving cream, tie dye picture.  Oh, tie dye, bet it takes some of ya’ll back to yer roots…enough of that! ...
Jumpin’ Jambalaya!

The cold never bothered me anyway…

Hahahaha!!!!  Well, that’s good ‘cuz, them preschoolers are painting with popsicles!!  Fuhreezing cold good times.  What da ya know?  Uh course, there are some amazing ideas on this week’s hoarder!  You will want to keep these around for a long time.  Good ideas are a...
Jumpin’ Jambalaya!


Well sizzle my bacon ya’ll!!  Summer is heating up with some specTACular ideas…if ya know what I mean!  I sure did find some doozies for ya this week.  And…the kiddos will love ‘em too 😉  Forget the rock, but ya will need the paper and the scissors.  It’s an exciting...

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