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VBS Balloon Octopus

VBS Balloon Octopus

Medium round balloon (purple) Sculpture balloons (6 long balloons-purple) Green sticky dots (or color of your choice) Inflate balloons Place round balloon on scene rock (knot down) Add long balloons around by taping to bottom of round balloon Add two green sticky dots...
VBS Sea Scene

VBS Sea Scene

Step 1- Locate a focal wall by choosing a corner of the room that is easily seen from the entrance door Step 2- Hang two king size flat sheets (blue or turquoise) with large binder clips to create a solid backdrop (If hanging in front of windows, be sure to cover the...
VBS Was Awesome!

VBS Was Awesome!

Here’s a great shot of Earl and Earlene as they planned to Journey off the Map.  They were funny hikers that seemed to have an issue each day which the Bible content seemed to provide the perfect answer.  Big thanks to my wonderful Children’s Ministry...
VBS 2015 Idea

VBS 2015 Idea

Here are couple of VBS Ideas for large painted flowers and water wheel.         VBS Decorations Final Sale May 15 Treehouse set- Pair of 6’ Trees-...

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