og:image Hiding God’s Word Bookmark - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • Lightweight Cardboard
  • Adhesive backed vinyl or tape
  • ⅛–inch ribbon
  • Small beads
  • Permanent Markers
  • Hole punch
  • Scissors

NOTE:  A ¾ inch-by-6-inch cardboard with 24-inch ribbons would work well for the Illustrated Study Bible for Kids.



  • Cut the cardboard at least ½ inch smaller than the width of the spine of your Bible, and at least 1 inch shorter than the height of your Bible.
  • Cut the vinyl a little larger than the cardboard.
  • Cut 3 or 4 ribbons at least 3 inches longer than twice the height of your Bible.



  • Remove the backing from one of the vinyl pieces. Center the cardboard on the vinyl.  Repeat for the other side and trim any excess vinyl.
  • Use permanent markers to print Psalm 119:11 on the bookmark.
  • Punch a hole in one end of the bookmark.
  • Use a lark’s head knot to attach the ribbon to the bookmark:
  • Fold the ribbon in half and push the loop through the hole. Thread both ends of the ribbon through the loop and pull to tighten.
  • Thread a bead onto each ribbon and tie a knot to secure.
  • Carefully insert the bookmark into the spine of your Bible. Use the ribbons to mark several places.




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