og:image Merry Christmas to all my Kid’s Ministry Friends! - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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I kinda like Christmastime at the church.  It’s great music and the decorations are beautiful.  We get to spend time praying together for our international missionaries and letting them know we love them.  But my favorite thing is… all the stress is on the music ministry and we get a little break!  Yeah!! (Unless you’re in charge of that– sorry!)santa

Sounds very self serving, I know.  Too Bad.  When you get a few weeks to rest, you better do it because 2015 will be here soon.  Take a look ahead while you can.  Create a soft start on 2015 by getting organized so when you come back from your time off, you know where to pick it up again without freaking out.

It might also be time for some nesting.  You can take a few days and clean your office.  You know you need to do it!  I challenge you to throw away stuff.  This might also include your computer files.  Do you need to create folders and organize documents so you can find stuff faster?  Turn on the Christmas music and get a big trashcan and purge your office.  Rearrange stuff, clean, and hang new things on the wall.  It will feel wonderful when you return in 2015.

Below is a funny I had and thought you might enjoy.  I’m not sure where I found it so if you’re the writer, let me know so I can post it.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends.  Your life is a wonderful gift to kid’s ministry.  Thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord and the love you pour out on those you serve.  You are a huge blessing!  A hero in my book!

Much Love!

Mr. Mark

Reasons We KNOW Santa Was Once a
Children’s Minister

  1. His office is hard to find.
  2. He is fashion challenged.
  3. He assumes any and all snacks he finds are his to eat.
  4. He has no adult workers.
  5. He is only seen on rare occasions.
  6. No one seems to know who he reports to.
  7. He laughs way too much.
  8. He is nobody’s definition of a physical specimen.
  9. He is always trying crazy stunts like climbing down a chimney.
  10. No one seems to know what he does during the week.
  11. He does an impossible job with no visible means of support
  12. Kids love him.

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