og:image Podcast: Here’s Some Great Advice - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Here’s Some Great Advice- Stay Away From Little Man Syndrome

Have you worked with people who are always talking about their successes?  For Months?  Makes me wanna barf!  The thing is, they are self-promoting to feel valued so I guess they are insecure with who they are or what they do.  Here’s a better question, “Are you that guy?”advice

I want to help you move away from that.  First, You have been called by God to lead in Children’s Ministry.  Which is a high calling since God has trusted you with the most impressionable age for leading an individual to Christ and becoming a life-long follower of Jesus.  Second, You are of great value to your church, the children and your pastor so stop comparing yourself to others because the best you will be is number two.  Your entire staff serves the Lord with one heart but you are the only one that serves in your particular area and that position is not like the others on your staff.  You should never compare yourself to them.  You are different.  Embrace the difference and celebrate the diversity.

Here’s the great advice for improving your relationships:

Change your negative thinking into positive behavior.  You are spending way too much energy arguing with people who are not in the room and even losing sleep over people’s actions.  Some people including the ministers on your staff can be jerks but that does not mean you have to be a jerk too. Try thanking people and simply shut-up when others are voicing issues.  Don’t join their circus because it only spirals out of control.  Don’t be guilty of joining this way of thinking because it will soon define your reputation if it hasn’t already.  Here are a few more things to watch for:

  • Making excuses about your work.
  • Blaming others for the way things are going, this includes past ministers or lay people.
  • Win too much. Do you have to win all the time?  Why? That repels people away from you.
  • Sarcasm might be your humor but often it sounds negative and it’s not funny.
  • Proving “I’m right, your wrong” to make yourself feel superior.
  • Voicing unneeded judgments.
  • Putting in your “Two cents” all the time.
  • Speaking when angry.

Try shifting into neutral and apply the brakes.  You can improve being nice if you just stop talking, especially when you are not asked anyway.  I suggest, change from a “To Do” list to a  “To Stop” list and see if your relationships improve.

What other relationship issues do you encounter in the church office?

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