og:image Podcast: Involve Kids in Missions with Sweet Sleep - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Children need to learn about missions, what is missions and who are missionaries. They need to learn about other cultures.  They need to see how much they have just because they live in America. We are also commanded to care for the orphans (James 1:27)  Sweet Sleep is a wonderful way to combine missions and orphan care all in one.  Add missions education to your children’s ministry.  Here are a few things that you can do. Picture2

Mission Projects for Kids
You can help your kids help kids halfway around the world through Sweet Sleep’s Build-A-Bed campaign. Your kids can take up offerings and see how many beds they can provide while learning about the needs of orphaned and abandoned children.  .

The Build-A-Bed campaign is:

  • Flexible! You pick your project dates – VBS, summer camp, fall retreat, Sunday School – anytime is a great time to teach your kids about the needs of orphans. (Sweet Sleep will send you free bank boxes.)

Nickels for Nets is a challenging, educational and fun campaign to get kids involve with our goal to provide life-saving mosquito nets for orphaned and abandoned children in malaria affected areas.
The Nickels for Nets campaign will also educate children on the importance of using mosquito nets in other parts of the world. Without these nets, children are susceptible to malaria and its dangerous, deadly effects.

Nickels for Nets collection boxes will be given to students to take home to engage their friends, parents and others to help your campaign meet—and even surpass—-your goal!  (Sweet Sleep will send  you free bank boxes.)

Give 1 Birthday

Everyone has a birthday. And we might all like gifts. But, if we’re honest, who among us really NEEDS anything? What if you could give hope…life…love…empowerment…family… to an orphan, just because YOU were born and just because you are fortunate enough to have people around you who love and celebrate you? In February, 8-year old Carter and 5-year old Lily used their birthdays to raise enough money to help 5 orphans.

Invite a speaker:  Founders Jen Gash and Madelene Metcalf speak to churches, colleges and universities, conferences, conventions and groups about caring for the orphan, individually and through the church.   I (Alyson Walker,) am more than ready to come and share about my experiences with Sweet Sleep as well.

Other projects I have done for Sweet Sleep are: Decorating pillow cases, making heart –shaped pillows to give to the children, putting together a bed puzzle (made out of PVC pipe) and then sharing about the needs for beds, decorate cards for the children, take pictures of your children making the item and make enough copies of that picture to give to the children with their beds., Birthday cards for the children.  (They don’t get to celebrate their birthdays so normally when a team goes they also bring a birthday cake to celebrate everyone’s birthday).

Pray for how God might lead you to be a voice for the orphan.

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