og:image Podcast: Six Tips for Teachers and Team Leaders (Division Directors) - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Many churches are operating without Division Directors since they are trying so hard just to cover all the classroom teacher needs.  I totally understand but its time to pray for the leadership that’s missing and enlist that person(s) for the job that will bless you and the teachers your serve.  Your teachers will really appreciate knowing there is someone to go to when they can’t find you or you have a line of people waiting to talk to you.  The question I most often hear is, “What does a Division Director do?”  I have attached the job description for you to see.  When I shared this with my associates, they pushed back and said that was their job description.  There are some similarities but only as it relates to Sunday mornings.  Maybe some people don’t have Division Directors because they would have a job but that’s not true.  You need to be equipping people to do what you do so you can build relationships with families and dream new ideas and do things only you can do in leading this ministry. 

In this podcast, I share six tips for Division Directors and six tips for teachers.  I apologize now if my honesty is more than usual.  Just keeping it real.

 Division Directors Job Description

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