og:image Podcast: These Two Weeks - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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These 2 weeks

This is a family worship guide for you and your children during Christmas vacation.  Use this guide and the printable resources to gather the family and read the Bible together.  Option: Prepare each day in separate envelopes and seal.  Mark the envelopes by days and clamp them in order and magnet to refrigerator.  Stretching a string of garland across a mirror, artwork or furniture to clip each envelop is a great idea too.  Here is the plan:

Week 1- Before Christmas

Day 1- Color and cut out Mary and Joseph- Read Luke 2:1-5

Day 2- Color and cut out the Stable and Animals- Read Luke 2:7b

Day 3- Color and cut out Baby Jesus, Manger and Star Luke 2:6-7

Day 4- Color and cut out Shepherds, Sheep and Angel Luke 2:8-20 (Extra Idea- Bake Cookies for tomorrow’s gift.)

Day 5- Prepare Wise Men Read Matthew 2:9-11 (Extra idea- The magi brought gifts to Jesus.  Your family can give the gift of caroling neighbors and deliver cookies.)

Christmas Eve- Read Christmas Story (Luke 2) and thank God for Jesus in a prayer time

Christmas Day- Draw names for “Secret Service” week.  Jesus came to serve.  You can follow His example by serving your  family.  Do something each day to serve “in secret”.


Week 2- Before New Year’s Day                  

Day 1- Working Together-Read Acts 18:1-3.  Family and friends can work together.  Aquila, Priscilla and Paul worked together.  How can your family work together?

Day 2- Families speak encouragement and keep promises. Read Ruth 1:16-19- What promise did Ruth say to Naomi?  Was she encouraging?  What is one way you can speak kindness and encouragement to your family?  Is there a promise you need to keep for your family?

Day 3- Paul wrote messages of love to the church. Read Ephesians 1:15-16.  As a family, email your pastor, minister or missionary with a family message of appreciation and love.

Day 4- Honor those adults older than you.  Read Leviticus 19:32- Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord. 

How do you honor someone older than you?  Create a “Happy New Year” card for a Sr. Adult.

Day 5– Read Proverbs 20:29 The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old.

Deliver card and interview a senior adult about his or her life events in history.  Examples of interview questions:  Where were you born?  Where did you grow up?  Tell us about your family when you were a kid.  Describe Christmas when you were a kid. Did your family help each other and other families?  Tell us about your family now.  Where do all your family members live?  How can we pray for you?

New Year’s Eve– Read Ephesians 4:32- Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. 

Create a “Secret Service” card for the special family member you have been serving.  The card will be given tomorrow.

New Year’s Day– Play a guessing Game by writing each person’s name on a sheet of paper and write who you think their Secret Service person is.  Reveal by starting with the oldest family member guessing and giving your New Year’s Day card. Compare guesses to see which family member guessed the most correctly. 

Read Philippians 1:6- being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Start this New Year by caring for others and showing love. 

 Printable Version

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