og:image Practical Suggestions for Classroom Management - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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For each blank choose the word or words that you think complete the sentence. Write your choice in the blank.

1. Be organized and ____________ (sleepy, grumpy, prepared) so you can focus on the children.

2. Be on __________ (top of the world, a diet, time) so you can take charge of the room before the children do.

3. Learn the ____________ (hair color, potential tithing ability, names) of the children quickly.

4. Show a genuine _____________ (article, diamond, interest) in the children. Build a relationship with the children.

5. Maintain ____________ (electrical, cold medicine, eye) contact.

6. Set limits and be ______________ (limited, speeding, consistent) in maintaining them.

7. Remain _____________ (naturally gray, on a diet, calm) if misbehavior occurs.

8. When there is a problem, focus _______________ (the camera, on a spot on the ceiling, on the behavior) not the child.

9. Avoid _____________ storing, recycling, comparing) one child with another.

10. Accept the _____________ (credit, check but only with two forms of ID, Child) unconditionally, as God loves and accepts us.

11. Help the child understand the natural _____________ (ingredients, flavoring, consequences) of her behavior

12. Manage ____________ (an apartment building, a manger, the environment). Reduce outside noise, visual clutter, and other distractions. Bring out materials only when they are needed. Secure furniture that is the correct size for children. Maintain a comfortable temperature.

13. Use _________ (words you’ve never heard before, words that will confuse the children and keep them guessing, prompters). Prompt or remind the children of the behavior you want before you want it. Instead of “Who can tell me the name of…” try “Who can raise their hand and tell me the name of..”

14. Look for opportunities to _________ (ridicule, ignore, affirm) appropriate behavior.

15. Have other teachers in the room ___________ (stand by the door and chat, pass notes but only if they stay awake, sit with the children) and model appropriate behavior.

16. Give directions in a ______________ (threatening, negative, positive) and (cryptic, obfuscatory, clear) form. Think in terms of do rather than don’t.

17. Give children opportunities to ___________ (sit for hours, make strange popping sounds with their noses, move) and use energy in constructive ways.

18. Keep the children __________ (waiting in the hall until you’ve had a chance to finish your coffee, on a shelf, involved) and active in the learning.

19. Make the session __________ (dull and boring, incredibly dull and phenomenally boring, fun and interesting)!

20. Pray _________ (as a last resort that the children will all stay home next time, regularly).


If you selected the third choice each time, good for you! If not, reread number 20 and start over.


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