og:image Speak as a Child - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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1 Corinthians 13:11 – “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things.

  • Speaking like a child and acting like a child are not the sameJerry
  • To do the first does not require the second
  • A sign of maturity is knowing the difference

Who are the kids we are communicating with? Generation Z

  • Born 2005 to Present
  • Experienced radical changes in technology and understanding of family, sexuality and gender
  • They talk in images: emojis, symbols, pictures, videos
  • They communicate more frequently in shorter bursts of “snackable content”
  • They want to be talked to as adults
  • They like to make stuff – they’re industrious
  • They are collaborative
  • They want the story told across multiple screens

6 Points for success when speaking with kids

    • Search for words and concepts that are difficult to understand or that have multiple meanings (slave)
      • Use multiple translations, paraphrases, and Bible storybooks
      • Write the passage in your own words
      • Research Bible dictionaries and reference books
      • Practice presentation, listening for words that need to be explained
    • Use a variety of illustrations, visuals, and teaching styles
      • Be real and transparent (but filtered)
      • Reference experiences familiar to kids
      • Connect to previous lessons and experiences
      • Expose the same concept/truth in a variety of ways
    • Don’t shy away from questions
      • Questions reveal a kids journey from concrete to abstract
    • Teach lessons in bite-sized chunks
      • It is better for a child to remember one point correctly than multiple points incorrectly
      • Serve lesson with the appropriate-sized spoon
    • Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
      • What’s your point?
      • Repetition is critical – especially for a generation that communicates in shorter bursts of “snackable content”
    • Beware of symbolism
      • Avoid explanations that create more questions than answers (Trinity – three-legged stool)
      • Admit you do not have all the answers or understand everything yourself (allow room for faith)

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw

Jerry Wooley teaches children weekly and provides incredible leadership as an advocate for reaching families through Vacation Bible School.  He serves at LifeWay Christian Resources and is a great friend to Mr. Mark’s Classroom and many others.

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