og:image VBS 2016 Submarine Walls - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • Use four sheets of double thickness cardboard for the submarine wallssub
  • Lay each panel on a flat surface. Measure four feet to locate the middle. Draw a line across. Score the line by cutting only halfway through so the panel will fold in half for storage.
  • Create window: Decide which half will be the top and measure in from the edge six inches all the way around. Draw the square and cut it out with a utility knife to create the window
  • Paint the interior side of the panel a warm yellow color
  • When completely dry, add red duct tape around window edge and any other lines of tape for seams on the submarine wall. Cut bolt head shapes (octagon) and stick them on the panel in rows as bolt heads
  • Add a clear shower curtain or laminating film to the exterior of the wall to be the window panes of the bridge.

See more decorating ideas at www.mrmarksclassroom.com/vbs

Purchase Ready-To-Go VBS decorations at www.mrmarksclassroom.com/store

For more VBS 2016 decorating ideas check out the Decoration Made Easy book (005732157) at www.lifeway.com

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