by Mark Jones | Oct 24, 2019 | Articles, Children, Featured, Guiding Behavior, Parent/Family, Preschool, Preteens, Research, Resources |
Hey Friends— I enjoyed hearing Jana Magruder, Director of LifeWay Kids Ministry, speak about her book, “Nothing Less.” LifeWay Research has gone to great lengths to survey and research spiritual health in young adults. We see so many...
by Mark Jones | Mar 8, 2018 | Articles, Children, Featured, Guiding Behavior, Parent/Family, Preschool, Preteens, Research, Resources |
Hey Friends— I recently enjoyed hearing Jana Magruder, Director of LifeWay Kids Ministry, speak about her newest book, “Nothing Less.” LifeWay Research has gone to great lengths to survey and research spiritual health in young adults....