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 VBS 2013

These ideas are specific for Colossal Coaster World LifeWay’s 2013 VBS Theme.  Special thanks to LifeWay Christian Resources ® for asking me to write and produce these decorating tips, and then allowing me to share them through Mr. Mark’s Classroom.  Please see their website www.lifeway.com/vbs for more ideas, community post,s and purchasing this fantastic curriculum.  They also have free downloads available to promote your VBS week.  I hope you enjoy these ideas.  Share your ideas by sending them to me at info@mrmarksclassroom.com.  Don’t forget the pictures!

VBS 2013 Decorating Made Easy (Powerpoint)

Coaster Alley

This Bible study class will appear to be the place where children will enter and exit the roller coaster.  It could be great fun to make children wait in cue (switchback line) before entering the classroom or just inside the classroom.  Simply use microphone stands with wide ribbon taped to the pole to create the line markers.  If that is not available use blue painter’s tape in the floor and instruct the kids to stay in line.  Hang signs that say, “Wait is only 45 minutes from this point” and “Line jumping is not permitted.”  If the line is outside the door, only allow a few at a time to enter, close the door and yell and cheer together to build anticipation before the next group is allow inside.  Decorations add excitement to the classroom but how children enter and participate will build an energy and momentum for a great experience. Teachers can try to dress alike with matching vests and hats.

Coaster Alley (Powerpoint)

Coaster Alley (Video)

Main Gate

The Main Gate will be the first thing children will see when they arrive and should be a show stopper.  Here are a few simple ways to create a Worship Rally stage that builds excitement and anticipation for a great time at Vacation Bible School.
Main Gate (Powerpoint)

Main Gate (Video)

Main Gate Fountain (Video)

Main Gate Backdrop Printable Version

Main Gate Entrance Printable Version

Main Gate Fountain Printable Version

Main Gate Trees Printable Version

Main Gate Turnstile Printable Version

Big Letters for the Main Gate

 Cotton Candy Diner

This retro dinner is great fun and should be no problem to create in most churches’ snack area.  Remember the snack leaders can dress the part and add the fun to this rotation time.  A fun idea for the servers is to dress in a 50s style clothing.  The ladies with matching aprons bright pink lipstick and pink scarves and the men with white aprons and fry cook hats.  Create server nametags  for each worker to wear in this location.  Serving trays or silver pizza pans can be fun to carry and some servers might be brave a wear roller skates.  The diner is taped to the wall and the tables are located outside.

Cotton Candy Diner (Powerpoint)

Cotton Candy Diner (Video)

Cotton Candy Diner Printable Version

Sno-Cone Kiosk Printable Version

 Global Expo Missions

Global Expo (Powerpoint)

Global Expo Missions Printable Version

Scissors & Stuff

This is a charming little cottage that we can see the outside of the house while working in the craft area.  These plans will help with making the decorations compact but if your classroom is small and your decorations need to be flat, you can simply make the front of this cottage and tape it to the wall.   The first priority is having the tables and chairs needed for teaching this class effectively.

Scissors & Stuff (Powerpoint)

Scissors & Stuff (Video)

Scissors & Stuff Craft Room (Video)

Scissors & Stuff Printable Version

Scissors & Stuff Window Decal

Scissors & Stuff Window Decal Printing Instructions

Tune Town

This is the place for kids to perform so it should have the drama with lights and sound.  Consider special lighting and sounds systems for kids to hear themselves sing.  One of the challenges is to make this scene in a classroom and leave enough room for a group of children to do motions without knocking everything down.  Give special consideration to the size of this classroom when assigning space. The Tune Town director (teacher) should consider wearing and black tuxedo coat with tails, a taped on Mustache, heavy black rimmed glasses and a conductor’s baton (or long white dowel rod to be humorous).

Tune Town (Powerpoint)

Tune Town (Video)

Tune Town Printable Version

Adrenaline Zone

This is a special and thrilling water ride in the amusement park.  The workers in the class could dress in rain ponchos and rubber boats to add to the scene.  Many items for this scene can be used from previous VBS decorations that have been stored.

Adrenaline Zone (Powerpoint)

Adrenaline Zone Printable Version

Colossal Preschool Decorating Ideas

Preschool Ideas (Powerpoint)

Preschool Ideas, Roller Coaster (Video)

Preschool Ideas, Ticket Booth (Video)

Preschool Ideas, Games (Video)

Preschool Ideas, Entry (Video)

VBS 2013 Preschool Easy Decorating Ideas Printable Version

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