og:image Writing Notes to Parents - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Outreach includes more than making regular contacts with a child in your Sunday School class. Outreach includes building a relationship with parents. A letter to parents about their child will provide an opportunity to tell about things that happen in the classroom.

Encourage parents with the Bible verse Tell your children about God (Deut.6:7). Your words will help a parent talk to their child about what the child is doing and hearing at church.


Make plans to keep in touch with families of children in your class:Pad of Paper & Pen

  • Maintain up-to-date information about each child and his family.
  • Consider printing letters on plain paper or on computer stationery.
  • Gather note cards to write a brief message.
  • Make copies of photos to send to parents.  (See illustration.)


See the following letter for ideas to include in a letter to parents.

Dear Parents:


 If you had been in our room recently, you might have looked in one corner to see a child “reading” the Bible. The Bible is available in different places in our room. On this Sunday, I watched as the child carried the Bible to the shelf, pulled up a chair, opened the Bible, and carefully turned the pages. 

Bible teaching is a part of everything we do during our time each Sunday morning. During group time last week, I asked the kindergartners to count the Bibles in the room, and there were six Bibles that they could easily see, not counting personal Bibles. One of our favorite songs is “The Most Important Book Is the Bible” because “the Bible is from God.”

If you were in our room, you would know the names of teachers and the boys and girls.  A special part of our group time each week is when I ask the kindergartners to name their friends who are not there. They quickly do that, and I realized long ago that they know if they are not there, someone will call their name.

If you listened to us sing, you would know that “Jesus, I Want to Be Like You,” is a favorite song. We sing “I Can Talk to God” each Sunday to name and sing about things God gives us.

If you were a kindergartner, I would love to have you in our room. However, you are a parent, and I want you to have Bible-learning experiences in your Bible study class at our church. Please let me know if I can ever help your child or your family.

Thank you for bringing your child to church.

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