og:image Roof Top City Building - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • Two large construction foam panels (4’ x 8’) 
  • Utility knife 
  • Gray duct tape 
  • Black paper (door) 
  • Clip light 
  • Gray paint (Light gray and dark gray) 


  1. Lay one panel of construction foam face up on the floor.  Measure over 18 inches from the right side and mark that on the top and bottom.  Use a long piece of tape to connect the two marks then score the line being careful to not cut through it completely.  Remove the tape and bend the board back. This side of the building will enable the piece to be freestanding. 
  2. The second piece can now be joined to the first piece with duct tape on the back. 
  3. Where the two panels join, measure from the bottom toward the top about four feet to find the top of the door. 
  4. Add duct tape along that seam to the top of the door on the second panel.  Next, add the tape for the top of the door and other side.  Paint the door or add black paper to be the door.  Use gray or silver tape to make knobs, bars, and hinges. 
  5. Cut a couple of window holes above the door as the second story floor.  One window can be clear plastic (as glass) with fabric as a curtain.  The other window can be open with a telescope coming out.  Both windows can have telescopes if desired.  Theme fabric as curtains can be added. 
  6. Attach a clip light above the door.  Be sure the light cord is pushed to the backside, unseen.   
  7. Create a sign to place above or beside the door that reads- ROOFTOP EXIT  
  8. Paint the building with darker gray latex paint to simulate night darkness.  Paint light gray around the door and under the light (in a large triangle or cone shape) to accentuate the porch light is on. 




  • Two large black foam core boards 
  • Utility knife 
  • Tape 


  1. Lay the foam panels face down and side by side. 
  2. Join the panels together with tape so they will hinge and stand on their own. 
  3. Using a box or something square, trace around the tops of the buildings at different heights. 
  4. Cut the lines to remove the unwanted part and reveal the buildings. 
  5. Slightly bend the two pieces together so it will stand on its own.  No support props needed. 



For more VBS 2017 decorating ideas check out the Decorating Made Easy book (005732157) at www.lifeway.com .



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