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What You Should Know About the New Crib Standards


Writer: Vickie Reynolds

Reynolds Manufacturing Corporation– Abilene, TX

The Law

On December 28, 2010, a new law was recorded -in the Federal Register that requires some sweeping changes for cribs. New standards specify an outright ban of drop-side cribs as well as incorporating new mandatory standards for non drop-side (fixed side) cribs. “All public use cribs currently in circulation will have to be replaced with cribs certified by government approved labs to meet the new standards and to be compliant.”

Bill Suvek, PE ASTM .Crib Committee Chairman –


In February 2011, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) interpreted the new regulations to include all churches whether licensed for child care or with just a nursery for Sunday School and church.



As long as you check your cribs and ascertain that they are working properly, you may continue to use them until December 28, 2012.  A safe crib includes the following standards published by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services:  A firm, flat mattress that snugly fits the sides of the crib sheets that fit snugly and do not present an entanglement hazard mattress that is waterproof or washable; secure mattress support hangers and no loose hardware or improperly installed or damaged parts a maximum of 2 3/8″ inches between crib slats or poles; no corner posts over 1/16 inch above the end panels no cutout areas in the headboard or foot board that would entrap a child’s head or body drop rails, if present, which fasten securely and cannot be opened by a child.


As you care for infants and your youngest preschoolers, you want parents to feel that their children are safe, and you need protection against the liability associated with using non-compliant cribs. If you have cribs that are not within current licensing standards, it’s definitely time to purchase new cribs. If your cribs are within present licensing standards, you may choose to wait awhile before purchasing new cribs by December 28, 2012.


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