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Okay—Someone will probably be offended, so fair warning!

I have had the pleasure of giving the keynote at several training events this year and often, by that I mean every time; I sing this sweet little song- “Jesus, I Need and Pill”.  I love it and I love to sing it because it has a way of describing life as a preschool teacher.

(*If Carrie Underwood gets hold of this, please accept my apologies.  But Carrie, if you teach in the preschool classroom? You will probably say, “Amen!” and won’t sue me because your nice.)

Here’s how it started.  My dear friends, Amy Adams and Jessica Fredin of “Skit and Miss” (Christian Humorists/ Children’s Ministers- need I say more?) were riding with me to a Children’s Conference out of state.  We had lots of time and snacks so we decided to write a song.  This is what popped out as well as lots of laughter, tears and swerving on the road.  Amy wrote the words on a pad of paper as we all offered our different ideas as therapy.  I actually sing the song from those note pages.  Reminds me of great friends and good times in ministry.

There have been many emails requesting these words.  Some were with kind threats. (That’s a stink eye on a smiling preschool teacher. Yikes!).  So here’s the video link to see it performed live.  Pass it on if you like it.  More preschool teachers need a therapeutic laugh session so enjoy!

(Sorry Carrie!)

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