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An easel is a place for creative art activities in a preschool room. Creativity begins with allowing the child to make choices—choices in art supplies and choices in paper.

Teachers can remember the importance of guiding a child to understand that God will help him make choices. Read God will help me. (Psalm121:2) to talk about ways God helps .


Supplies for Art Choices at the Easel:

  • easel
  • paper choices: easel paper, colored construction paper, shelf paper, white side of gift wrap paper, paper sacks (cut to lay flat), paper  plates
  • drawing choices: chalk, crayons (different types and sizes), colored Pencils, lead pencils, washable markers (different  types and sizes)


1.  Locate the easel in a quiet area of the room. Place two chairs nearby for children who enjoy sitting at the easel.

2.  Clip paper on  the easel.

3.  Arrange the art supplies in the trays on each side of the easel.

4. Place the paper choices on a chair or small table near the easel if the easel does not have paper trays.

Teaching Tips:

  • Call attention to the different items in the easel trays. Explain that a child can choose what he wants to use for drawing on the paper. Mention that he can use more than one kind of art item for his drawing.
  • If a child wants to do another picture, suggest he choose the type of paper he wants to use.
  • Notice the choices a child makes by telling him that God made him to grow and learn to do many things.

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