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We started back on Wednesday night programming last night. Starting back is not easy and everyone needs to be as flexible as possible. I mentioned to my few returning leaders that the plans we are making are simply “wet cement.” I expect they will change regularly as numbers increase in attendance or in the Covid-19 crisis. We simply must work with what we have, but I do not want to go backwards. I knew we should plan for learning from home. I wanted to create “Home Kits” for our families that could be used when we start Bible Drill this year. Otherwise kids could be so far behind that they might never catch up. I shared my concern with my associate Erick and dear friends Lynn and Gina. We all teach Bible Drill and agreed to collaborate. We planned one learning activity and one craft for each verse for the first nine weeks. We chose nine weeks since Oklahoma City Schools are starting the school year with virtual learning for the first nine weeks. 

I wanted to share this new nine week plan with you in case you are looking for something you can create for “At Home” learning. Even if you do not participate in Bible Drill (which I highly recommend), learning a new Bible Verse each week is great discipleship for kids and parents alike. You can find this resource in our store under Free Downloads. It’s free. Forward a video link each week with your reminder to learn the new verse. Be sure to check out the Resource Page for other free downloads that might be helpful in your ministry. We plan to invite kids to drive by each week and recite their verse. When they learn all nine verses, they get a Kid’s Ministry hoodie. It should be a good motivator!

Finally, I want to say a big Thank You to Erick, Lynn and Gina for joining me in this effort to provide fun and engaging activities for our kids to learn the Bible.

Your Friend,

Mr. Mark

Be sure to look for the new, free Bible Drill “At Home” resource in our store!

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