og:image Bible Review Target Game - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • cardboard box
  • empty paper towel rolls
  • utility knife
  • markers
  • multicolored Post-It notes
  • glue or tape
  • hot glue gun
  • small lightweight ball pit balls or ping-pong balls
  • paper towels

Kids can shoot with bean bags, rubber bands, or Nerf gun and darts to just name a few.


Trace a circle around the paper towel tubes onto the top of the box.  Cut out holes with a utility knife.  Place various heights of paper towel tubes into holes and hot glue around the edge to keep tube attached and upright.  Write different point designations (10, 250, 50, 75, 100) on the colored notes and tape them around the tubes.  If you use ping-pong balls, you may need to fold up paper towels several times (long and skinny) then fold in half and insert it in the tubes, so that the ping-pong balls will not fall inside the tube.

To play:  Shoot the balls.  When the child hits a target, they will answer a Bible question from that day’s lesson.  If they answer the question correctly, they receive the number of points on that tube.


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