og:image Block Play - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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A learning center for block activities is suggested for preschool rooms yet it is often nothing more than a box of blocks or some blocks tossed on a shelf. A poll of teachers might indicate that some don’t like blocks because of the cleanup time required. Preschoolers need space for playing with blocks, and they also need time to put away the blocks.

Consider drawing block shapes on shelves to guide boys and girls to see where to stack the blocks after block play.




Supplies for Shelves in Block Center:

  • adhesive contact plastic
  • scissors
  • black permanent felt-tip marker
  • camera
  • printed photos
  • tape

1. Cut adhesive contact plastic to attach to the block shelves.

2. Trace block shapes on the contact plastic to show where to place the blocks.

3. Arrange the blocks on the shelves.

4. Photograph the shelves to show where the blocks are stacked.

5.    Tape the photo on top of the shelves or on a nearby wall..

Teaching Tips:

  • Describe plans for the activity. Invite preschoolers to play with the blocks. Provide additional materials as needed for block activities.
  • Be ready to make a connection to the Bible story for the session. Say a Bible verse, show a picture, or sing a song to help preschoolers understand the Bible truth and life application for the session.
  • When cleanup time starts, call attention to the shape outlines on the shelves. Guide boys and girls to stack the blocks on the matching shapes. Call attention to the photo to show the shelves with the blocks in place.
  • Cleanup time can provide additional learning experiences. Enjoy watching preschoolers match blocks and shapes. Read the Bible verse “Work with your hands (1 Thessalonians 4:11).”

 Printable Version

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